Protect Your Rights
History, Conversations, & Points-Of-View
Read about those who came before, sit down with those who are speaking out now, and take some time to learn about the Amendment that protects all the others.
The Importance of Firearm Training
The Importance of Firearm Training Gun ownership doesn’t stop at buying a gun. As Americans, we have the right to own a gun to protect our person, family, and property,
What You Need to Know About The Supreme Court’s Second Amendment Ruling
What You need to know about the supreme court’s second amendment ruling Fin out how this will affect you. On Thursday, June 23, the Supreme Court published a majority opinion
5 Reasons to Buy a Gun Safe in Albuquerque Today
5 Reasons to Buy a Gun Safe in Albuquerque Today Purchasing a gun safe in Albuquerque may be the most critical firearms decision you make. We know how satisfying it
NM Gun Legislation
2nd Amendment to the US Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. In order to protect your rights, the first step is to KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. Below we have highlighted some of the Current bills facing our State and our Nation. Read, learn, and if you don’t agree with something being proposed, contact your local legislator and let your voice be heard.
nm gun laws at a glance
Permit to Purchase | No | No |
Registration of Firearms | No | No |
Licensing of Owners | No | No |
Permit to Carry | No | Yes |
Castle Doctrine | No Law |
No-Net Loss | No Legislation |
Right to Carry Confidentiality | Provisions Enacted |
Right to Carry in Restaurants | Partial Ban |
Right To Carry Laws | Shall Issue |
Right To Carry Reciprocity and Recognition | Conditional Recognition |
Right to Keep & Bear Arms State Constitutional Provisions |
With Provisions |