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Calibers Indoor Shooting Ranges & More

Established in 1998, Calibers is a family run business with deep ties to our community and an unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility. Our ranges are outfitted with the latest technology, including WIFI and top-of-the-line air filtration. With 46 climate-controlled shooting bays, full-auto machine gun packages, and private classrooms/meeting spaces, our indoor shooting ranges have everything you need to expand your skill set and enjoy your first, or 100th, time in front of a target. We offer training courses and experiences for all ages. Whether you just want to try out a new gun or gain a better understanding of firearm safety and improve your shooting ability, we have something to meet your needs.

Albuquerque - Eastside Location

4340 Cutler Ave NE, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, 87110

Albuquerque - Westside Location

9320 Coors Blvd NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87114

Albuquerque - Safe Store Location

4360 Cutler Ave NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87110

Clovis NM - Range & Axe Location

1654 Ste. A & B Highway 60/84 Clovis, New Mexico, 88101

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Shooting Range Rules

  • Shooters and patrons must follow the directions of Calibers personnel at all times. Range Safety Officers have the right to eject or refuse anyone access to the range. Failure to follow basic gun safety rules or range rules will result in immediate expulsion.
  • Anyone under the influence of alcohol or debilitating drugs will not be allowed to shoot and will be required to immediately vacate the premises.
  • Shooters must be at least 8 years old. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by a paying legal guardian at all times.
  • Eye and ear protection must be on before entering the airlock and remain on at all times while on the range.
  • When entering and exiting the range, please be sure that only one door to the range is open at a time.
  • All firearms must remain in their case until they are at the firing line. Firearms must also be in a case while being transported between shooting lanes.
  • Firearms that are not in use must be unloaded, in a case or on the bench, and muzzles must remain pointed downrange at all times. No loading or unloading of firearms except on bench in the shooting lane. (Magazines may be loaded behind the firing line).
  • Do not directly hand firearms to another person. Set the unloaded firearm on the bench with the muzzle pointed downrange and let the other person pick it up and load it.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on your target.
  • Rifles must be fired from the shoulder and when not in use, stored on the floor with the muzzle pointed downrange.
  • Rental guns may only be shot with proper ammunition that is purchased from the range. Ammunition must be purchased the day of the rental.
  • Pregnant women are not allowed on the range* (See notice below).
  • Be sure your gun and ammunition are compatible.
  • Always bench a safe firearm: Revolvers with cylinders open. Semi-autos with the magazine out and slide locked back.
  • Shooters will be held financially responsible for any damage caused to the range or range equipment. Only shoot at your target. Anyone observed deliberately or negligently shooting at things other than their target will be assessed a damage fee minimum of $50.00 and will be asked to leave the range. The cost of repairing or replacing damaged equipment may be charged as well.
  • No crossing the front firing line for any reason at any time.
  • If a firearm malfunctions, and you are not comfortable clearing the malfunction, ask a Range Officer for assistance. Do not remove the firearm from the bench.
  • Line of sight shooting (target at eye level). No shooting from the hip. Holster drawing is allowed only with approved Calibers Holster qualification/certification or by certified Law Enforcement Officers.
  • Emergency ceasefire: When the lights are turned off, all shooters must unload their firearms, place them on the bench, and step back from the firing line.
  • Proper attire is required. Sandals, open-toed shoes, high heels, low necklines, or excessively loose clothing and jewelry are not allowed. Disposable Slip-on sandal covers for sandals are available upon request.
  • No cursing, foul, or abusive language is permitted on the range.
  • Food and Drinks are prohibited on the range. No eating, drinking or smoking in the range area.
  • Shooters are encouraged/must wash their hands after they are finished shooting with cold soapy water before leaving to remove lead residue.
** NOTICE: Due to lead and high decibel level exposure using our facilities during pregnancy may be harmful to your baby’s health and/or cause pregnancy complications.

Types Of Firearms And Ammunition That Are Permitted For Use
  • All modern cartridge type pistol, rifle, and shotgun calibers, up to and including .50 BMG, are permitted on the range.
  • Shotgun Ammunition is limited to Buckshot and Slug shells only.
  • Legally owned NFA devices (silencers, machine guns, etc…) are permitted. Calibers reserves the right to inspect proof of registration.
  • Antique ignition (muzzleloading/black powder) firearms are NOT permitted.
  • Specialty ammunition is NOT permitted. This includes but is not limited to steel core, armor-piercing, tracer, incendiary, and paint.
  • Non-paper targets are NOT permitted.
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